Tag Archives: Healthy Living

6 handy, natural ways to manage your allergies during the summer months


When your immune system overreacts to an outdoor allergen, such as pollen, this can trigger an allergic response. The most common allergens are pollens from wind-pollinated plants, such as trees, grasses, and weeds. Research says that 30% of Irish adults take leave from work due to their allergies, while allergy season (typically between late March […]

5 Foods To Help You Get A Better Night’s Sleep

Getting a decent night’s sleep is crucial to our general health and wellbeing. If you’re struggling to nod off (this pandemic is reason enough for our sleeping patterns to be off-kilter), snacking on certain foods (asides from a cup of our bone broth of course!) could help ease you into the land of nod. Enjoy […]

Why taking Vitamin D is a good idea during Covid-19

Vitamin D

When it comes to our health, now more than ever, we know the importance of getting all the essential vitamins and into our bodies. We aren’t out as much, exercising as much – our bodies are bound to feel a shift. A newly released study suggests that taking vitamin D supplements may enhance resistance to […]

The Blue Zones: 5 ways to help you live a healthier lifestyle

We’ve had a fantastic start to our #SadiesKitchenTakeover series and this week, we’re going back to some of our early posts. The lovely Dr Ciara Kelly of The Irish Balance recently shared her thoughts on figuring out ways to live healthier, more sustainable lives – but in ways that differ from some of the quick […]