Tag Archives: Slow Cooker

Slow Cooker Chicken Casserole

Chicken casserole is a classic, and made to be a slow cooker recipe. Chicken becomes melt-in-the-mouth tender after a few hours of gentle simmering. Slow cookers maximise the flavours of your ingredients and for this one, we recommend browning the meat and veg beforehand, as it enhances the flavour of the dish even more overall.  […]

One for the slow cooker: Comforting Irish Stew

We love our slow cookers here in Sadie’s HQ. Particularly in the colder months, when nothing beats walking in the door from a long day to be greeted by the wafting of a delicious and nutritious family meal. Particularly a dish that’s so easy to prepare; pop the ingredients into the slow cooker and you’re […]